The Arch Approach


Institutional pedigree; independent; entrepreneurial agility.

The Arch Approach and Advantage

  • Help principals solve key challenges in managing their firms.

    Provide experienced, independent and unburdened perspective.

    Mitigate natural “tunnel vision” or “deal fever”.

    Work co-operatively to clarify how best to achieve scale and accelerate organic growth.

  • Advisory can be private, or more public (e.g. Non-Exec Director).

    Light touch or deep dive.

  • Contrasting insights from employment at global leading asset manager (Macquarie), and as founder and financial sponsor of smaller asset management affiliates.

  • Bring experience as investor, seeder, banker, acquirer, strategist and board director.

  • Arch can invest its principal capital and possibly that of other close family offices.

  • Works on mandates that are outside the typical mandate of investment banks and management consultants, or too small for them to accept.

    Helps “level the playing field” when clients are facing sophisticated VC/private equity and strategic buyers.

  • Stephen is passionate about helping asset managers solve problems and achieve exceptional results.

    Can only accept a limited number of mandates.

  • Primary compensation is linked to a successful outcome for clients.

  • Understands US and Australian markets, with broad networks in both jurisdictions including investors, fundraisers, IBs, and key advisors.